Implementing Resque/Redis on Rails 3

Hi coders! I have a new experience here with Rails 3 and I want to share it.

I have task to create a code running on background with Rails 3 and I found that I need to use Resque/Redis to make it happen. Okay, first you need to download Redis from its origin site at Just follow the instruction there and you will be fine.

This is the main part of this post. But actually, I also followed some instruction from a blog. You can visit it directly to Honestly, it was a bliss. These are my steps on doing it:

  1. Add resque to Gemfile
    gem "resque"
  2. Run bundle install
  3. Create redis.yml in config folder :
    defaults: &defaults
      host: localhost
      port: 6379
      <<: *defaultstest:
      <<: *defaults 
      <<: *defaults
      <<: *defaults

    You have to put “space” character for the configuration of every environment, or else you’ll get some errors.

  4. Create resque.rb in config/initializers :
    Dir[File.join(Rails.root, 'app', 'jobs', '*.rb')].each { |file| require file }
    config = YAML::load("#{Rails.root}/config/redis.yml"))[Rails.env]
    Resque.redis = => config['host'], :port => config['port'])
  5. Add resque.rake to lib/tasks :
    require 'resque/tasks'
    task "resque:setup" => :environment
  6. Start redis server by running ./src/redis-server from root folder of redis, that you’ve downloaded and configured
  7. Start resque by running COUNT=5 QUEUE=* rake resque:workers command
  8. Start resque web UI by running resque-web command
  9. Add your job code to resque. In my case, I added a secure copy task to another server. So what I did was creating a file called send_file.rb in models folder. The content of the file is :
    require 'net/scp'
    class SendFile
      @queue = :file_send #this class variable will be used as queue name in resque, so you can fill in different name
      def self.perform() # I didn't need any parameter, so I leave it blank
        Net::SCP.start('', 'username', :password => 'password') do |scp|
          scp.upload!('local/directory', 'destination/path', {:recursive => true})

    In my controller, I call that class by running this code

That’s it! I tried it and I succeeded. When your job is running, you can see it in resque web UI. So, why don’t you try it?

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